The best approach to buying a property begins with finding out what’s important to you. Discovering your wants and needs. We then work together to put together a defined list of what we are looking for. We look at things like Strategy (investors) how are we going to add value above what the market delivers to us? Must haves – What you can’t live without. From here you should have a clearer understanding of what drives your decision both materially and emotionally.
What can you afford? We have a network of proven brokers who get finance and know how to solve problems when they come up. This is particularly important for investors, who will often structure themselves incorrectly, preventing themselves from being able to grow at such a fast rate. We're happy to work with your current broker too. This process typically takes a week and a half. If your financial affairs are complicated it can take longer.
Every week you will receive a UNIQUE BUYERS AGENCY CO SHORT LIST of on and off market properties that best meet the selection criteria. These will be split into 3 basic categories. No – Means what it says. Maybe – Meets some of the criteria. Monitor – The property is what we are looking for. Typically, these properties are overpriced and need some time on the market to cool. Yes – This is what we are looking for. They will be inspected and potentially one purchased for you!
About 1 in 5 inspected properties are worthy of an offer. You will be given a unique multiple page pre offer due diligence pack. This is where we cover off on all the information you need to make an informed decision. We look at the positives, negatives, zoning, agent history, seller motivation, aerial boundary check, potential renovation costs, appraisal costs and walkway point. We will then go forward with placing a formal offer.
Once we have a property under offer, we will then move forward with building, pest and electrical inspections along with a formal Due Diligence period. This is where we really screw into the details of the property to make sure the property is sound and secure from a Due Diligence perspective prior to letting the contract proceed. We will liaise with your broker and assist with providing the bank the information that they require to get unconditional finance. For investor clients we also arrange for property management to an external source.
Guiding and working for you to ensure the end of the property investment process is as pleasant and smooth as possible. We then complete a post-settlement meeting, and hand over the keys !! We additionally have ongoing support for all our clients.
294 Rokeby Rd, Subiaco WA 6008
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